Angel Oak Academy is an inclusive school and we are committed to meeting the needs of children with SEND.
Ms Yung is our SENDCo and can be reached via the academy office.
At Angel Oak, we use the 'graduated approach' to meeting children's additional needs. This is a four-part cycle of 'assess, plan, do, review' and we work in conjunction with children, families, external agencies and other schools to meet children's needs to the best of our ability - as recommended by the SEND Code of Practice 2014.
A pupil with SEND is a pupil for whom a learning difficulty or disability calls for provision that is different from, or additional to, that which is usually available to pupils of the same age. Children may have one or more broad areas of SEND as listed below:
Communication and Interaction - including speech, language and communication difficulties as well as social interaction and autism.
Cognition and Learning - including developmental delay and specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and developmental co-ordination delay (previously referred to as dyspraxia).
Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties - including difficulties with behaviour, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, attachment disorder, adverse childhood experiences or anxiety.
Sensory and/or Physical - including visual or hearing impairment, developmental co-ordination delay, cerebal palsy and other physical or medical conditions which impact upon a child's learning.
Working together is a key part of life at Angel Oak Academy and we are proud of how closely we work with our parents and carers. Our SEND Support Pathway demonstrates how and when we identify pupils with SEND and the process that parents and carers can expect.
Disability Access Statement | |
SEND Report 2024 2025 | |
STEP Inclusion including EAL SEND and Looked After Child Policy - Angel Oak Academy |